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PHOTO: Andrew Miller
RIDER: Elena Hight
LOCATION: Southern Sierras, CA
CAMERA: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

Elena Hight goes splitboarding in the Southern Sierras. Sounds nice, right? It is. You wanna get away from it all? Get a splitboard. You wanna get some exercise? Get a splitboard. You wanna eat sandwiches while drinking cold, refreshing water from a canteen, like they did in olden times? Get a splitboard. You wanna sleep under the stars in a -30°F sleeping bag on a yoga mat next to a campfire? Get a splitboard.

But here’s the thing—while a lotta people fantasize about going splitboarding, many never do. Trust us. Rent a splitboard. Go splitboarding. Once you’ve done it, you’ll want to buy a splitboard so that you can do it again and again and again. No lift lines. No edgelords.

Your life will change. Your thighs, low back, abs, spirit, and relationships will thank you for it. Go splitboarding.