Superpark Showdown: Play Big vs Dump Em
While the minutemen are worried about Mexicans violating American sovereignty, these backwater blue staters should start focusing their attention to the north. Nuu Life Cinema has become the latest Canadian entry in the Superpark Sunday Showdown to advance out of the first round and they did so by a healthy 6% of the votes. This gap adds insult to injury for Eddie Grams of Variety pack because as a Utah native he wishes he could find some 6%-ers to help ease the pain of defeat at the hands of Cannuks.
Week 6 is now upon us and we have two more Superpark Sunday Showdown contenders, with Play Big Productions going head-to-head against Dump Em. Vote for your favorite video and help them advance to the next round and potentially win $5,000 compliments of Gatorade. Voting is allowed each day, so check back to make sure your favorite is winning. Voting will end 7/23/10 at midnight.
Dump Em
Play Big Productions
You can watch the vids at 300 pixels wide, or click the icon and watch them full screen once the video starts. Don't forget to vote for your favorite video.
What's your thoughts, who's going to take it this week?
Play Big Productions
As the official film company of Mammoth's Unbound Park Greg Weaver and his Play Big associates have the home hill advantage when it comes to the Superpark Sunday Showdown. Yet despite the logistical advantages that this could yield, their offering is a no frills account of Superpark 14. In other words, the dolly cams and after effects have been tossed aside, leaving the trickery in the hands of the riders themselves. Multiple 1260's and a standout Centipede annihilation by Haldor Helgason are among the more memorable moments of this video. As for the soundtrack, well, lets just say that it is in keeping with the Animal House theme and any song that includes the line "it's not gonna be an orgy, it's a toga party" can't be all bad.
Dump Em
"You dump em, we film it" is the ethos behind Colton Feldman's latest video endeavor. The collective work of Colton Feldman and company at Superpark 14 can be seen here, set to the psychedelic stylings of a Los Angeles bar band called The Doors crooning their cover of "Gloria". Written by Van Morrison and originally recorded by his band "Them" in 1964, "Gloria" was actually a throw away track which found new life as the b-side to Them's "Baby Please Don't Go Single." The fact the Van Morrison, Them and The Doors are from an era where whole careers could be based off of singles, throw away ones at that, just goes to show you how far music and snowboarding has come. Take this video submission where the BS 1260 double cork by Torgeir Bergrem is easily one of the highlights.
About Superpark Sunday Showdown
The Superpark Sunday Showdown is presented by Gatorade. This interactive contest is a weekly video faceoff where two Superpark edits go head to head with the victor being decided by you, the viewer. The entry that receives the most votes each week advances to the next round. All told, there are 16 film companies in contention, each with hopes of advancing all the way to the end of the brackets where they will receive the $5,000 grand prize courtesy of Gatorade. Keep in mind that only one vote a day will be counted per viewer, per browser, so keep coming back to daily to support your favorite vids.